22 May 2009

spring hours+changes

-image taken from my garden muse:
Derek Jarman's garden, Prospect Cottage, Dungeness, Kent, UK

With every northwest spring comes my devotion to plants and getting dirty in the garden.
It's time for my landscaping muscles to get to work, so sword+fern hours will now change to reflect my horticultural obsession, (and economic ebbs and flows) so that i can keep the shop up and running..
Look for me in the shop from Thursday-Monday , from 11-6 , and you can also arrange to do some shopping or custom work with me by scheduling an appointment to visit!
My hours in the garden will sometimes change, so be sure to call, text, (206.992.3932)or email (swordandfern@gmail.com) ahead of time to make sure I'll be around.

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